At the end of April we celebrated Wrenn's birthday. He turned two years old! My parents came out to visit around that same time so we had a fun little party. It was really nice to have my parents out to visit.
The Awesome party, with family.
And hanging out with my parents. They took our first family photo of us at the beach.
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My dad wore Wrenn out with all the playing they did. |
In May we celebrated Mother's day, our four year anniversary, and my birthday. I just have pictures from Mother's Day, but they are super cute... Wrenn is learning to smile for the camera. Say cheese!
At the end of May Nathan and Wrenn went boating with the Tate's. I wasn't able to go because I had a primary activity I was in charge of that Saturday, Emmy stayed behind with me. Here are some cute photos that Bethany took of my boys.
In June I finally talked Nathan into getting a puppy. He is a chihuahua mutt we got from a rescue. We named him Spook. He has been a fun addition to the family. He is Wrenn's best friend, and my cuddle buddy. These aren't chronological, just all the pictures I have taken of Spook over the last month or so.
Over the last few months our babies have been growing a lot. Its crazy how much they can both change in such a short time. Wrenn is a laugh, and Emmy is adorable. I love them both so much. So enjoy a random assortment of photos. Sorry these aren't chronological either.
This is Wrenn "nursing" his teddy bear whenever I nursed Emmy. For awhile Diego was his baby. When Emmy was sleeping in her swing, Diego would sleep in his (we have two swings). When Emmy needed a blanket, so did Diego. And so on and so forth.
both of us burping our babies.
Wrenn is totally into shoes right now.
Bath time for Emmy!
Tired mom and baby.
I heard Wrenn shouting from his room, "stuck!"
Wrenn tucked in Diego with Emmy.
Such a cute sad face.
Trying to do Yoga with Wrenn.
Jen rocking at babysitting.
Checking out the PetSmart Chinchilla
Mommy daughter photos.
Wrenn fell asleep in Nursery. It was so weird I was worried he was dying or something.
Wrenn's hat bowl...
Dancing at Chilis.
Trying to stay cool in the heat.
Dual wielding pacifiers.
Wrenn showing Emmy his cars.
More mommy daughter photos.
Wrenn giving Emmy a hug.
A couple weeks ago Jared (Nathan's brother) and his wife Jen took Wrenn for the weekend so we could party. It was super nice of them. We love having them live nearby.
Toddler Wrenn has been a lot of fun the last few months (not that there aren't challenges haha). There are a few personality quirks that we just love. One is that he loves to draw and paint. I have been trying to photograph all of his drawings and paintings and put them on my personal art blog. Here's the link you want to look. Here are some of my favorites anyway.
Another thing we have noticed about Wrenn, and I have probably mentioned it before is he is a bit OCD, or he really likes patterns and order. We have been trying to document what we mean by that recently.
We love him so much; he is a lot of fun. We have been trying to still get out even with a new baby the last few months. Here are a few of our attempts.
We went to go look at the costumes used in a bunch of films released recently. It was pretty cool.
We went to Six Flags and switched off on riding the roller coasters and watching the kids. Wrenn had fun in the kid section of the park.
He was scared of and refused to go on the Merry-Go-Round however. This was a before shot of trying to get him to go on.
Pretty Sunset in LA, who knew right?
We went to this garbage truck faire it was interesting to me, but Wrenn was a little freaked out. He seemed to have fun when he was in the truck though.
We have also gone to the zoo a few times. Our awesome playdate buddy has a pass!
Well that's a good photo summary of our lives the past couple months. I want to end with some really cute photos that Bethany took of Emmy on the fourth of July. Thanks Bethany.
We have been doing alright the last few months. Things have been a little hard trying to treat Nathan's depression, and we think I might have some post-partum depression too, but we're doing ok. Thanks for the love and support. Please pray for us.
Things aren't always easy, but we try to be happy with our adorable family anyway. Life's interesting because even though there are struggles there is always so many things to be grateful for and times that fill your soul with peace. Even if its just small moments watching your kids play together, or going on a family walk to go hunt Pokemon; we have many reasons to smile.
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