Its been awhile; the New Years resolution of writing a blog post once a month died around March... classic. Anyways, we are doing well! Its been a little crazy, but I took photos during all the craziness, yay for a nice new camera!
In March we survived on Chimichangas, hot dogs, pizzas etc. and smoothies. The smoothies were the result of the guilt I got from the rest of our diet being overly processed. It was a long busy month, but we did enjoy a trip out to Boulder, CO to visit my sister over spring break.
A rooftop restaurant Nathan and I went to in Lousiville. |
A fun store in boulder that had a lot of random awesome stuff. |
A street performer on Pearl Street in Boulder. |
The cool guys hanging out on some rocks. |
Boyd got to hang out on a snail lucky guy, Ben looks tired. |
Our fun night tending the boys. We got to walk up to the lake and play on the playground there, we saw lots of bunnies along the way. I want a bunny... help me persuade Nathan. If you see him be like Shirley wants a bunny then you can creepily walk away if you want. Or shout it at him, or better yet sneak a bunny into his backpack then when he gets home and there's a bunny... actually I'm not sure what I would do with that situation, anyway enough about bunnies. |
I think the boys liked having their pictures taken. |
This is my favorite picture from the trip. I have cute nephews. :) |
We had a good time on our trip and spent a lot of time driving around and checking out certain areas in hopes of finding a place that we could call home for the next few years. It was fun but also exhausting; Boulder, Denver and the surrounding areas were not what we expected. We had thought that Boulder would be a bigger city, and it wasn't which made us disappointed. Our resolve of Colorado being the perfect place for us was shaken. We kept thinking fondly about San Francisco and the time we had spent there. We spent a few weeks in prayer and pondering after our trip in deciding if we really wanted to move out to Boulder.
I don't remember a certain moment when Boulder felt right again, but eventually it did and I got excited as I perused padmapper and craigslist looking for an apartment. Everything became real and exciting for both Nathan and I when we signed our contract for our one bedroom Boulder apartment in April and solidified dates when we were leaving Provo. On July 1st we will be embarking on our next adventure and I can't wait!
Also in March I threw my first Easter dinner! Jared (Nathan's brother) and one of his friends came over and we all enjoyed the first roast I have ever cooked. It actually wasn't bad Nathan & Jared can be called on as witnesses to that fact. Then after dinner Nathan shared a spiritual message. It was a great. Here's a pic:
The rolls were supposed to be bunnies they were kind of a a fail, but oh well. |
April was a busy month as we worked hard to get through the last stretch to the end of the semester. We both came out unscathed thankfully, and the big event this month was that Nathan my dear sweet husband graduated from BYU with a bachelors in Information Systems! I'm really proud of him and I am glad he is such a hard worker to accomplish that feat.
I love him so much! |
Way to go Nathan! |
We're grateful for our wonderful parents who came down to Provo to show their support, love and to feed us. You guys are great! I'm grateful to have such amazing parents and in-laws. We love you. It was fun visiting with family and playing games with the Tates.
Then it was May. We went up to Logan to organize stuff we want to take with us on the move, and we scored on digging out a bunch of old camping gear from my parents storage unit that they gave to us. Then it was decided we were going camping in Moab and hiking arches for our first year anniversary. And we did just that...
We are in there we are just tiny :P |
One of the few pictures we took together. Yay one year! :P |
It was a really wonderful anniversary. We drove down on Friday and hunted for a campground (found one! wasn't easy), then we hiked up to the delicate arch. After that beautiful hike we went back to our campsite and made tinfoil dinners (super yummy), peach cobbler and roasted marshmallows and starburst. Saturday, the morning of our anniversary we made breakfast burritos. After we packed up camp we embarked on the long hike up to the double O arch talking about all our favorite memories from our first year of marriage while we did and finding a few nice spots to make out as well. After we were done we went out to eat in Moab then headed home where that evening we enjoyed our frozen cake that we cut from a year ago. I couldn't imagine a better way to celebrate the one year I have had with my amazing husband. And a wonderful year it has been.
That's all for now. Nathan is working full time and I am going to school and working as well. We are both doing odd and ends things as we get ready to move. Which is only about a month away. Crazy! We're happy. Love you all!